
TAFE Vt. Technicians/Dog Trainers Education Delivery
オーストラリア ニューサウスウェールズ州立TAFE

DAY 1:
9:00 -10:00 Welcome to college  大学へようこそ
(Head Teachers, Manager Education Program) (主任教師、教育プログラムマネジャー)

• Orientation オリエンテーション

• Outline of section activities 各セクション活動のアウトライン

• Details of program over next 5 days. 5日間のプログラム詳細説明
10:00-12:00 What veterinary nurses do in Australia オーストラリアの動物看護士のすること

• Details of ranges of expectations of veterinary nurses, skill sets, further education and career prospects

• Legal limitations and the culture of the veterinary industry in Australia

Potential speakers: 予定講師
Rebecca Charteris (Australian Veterinary nurse with USA certification in Emergency and Critical Care), a representative from the Veterinary Nurse’s Council of Australia
12:00-13:00 LUNCH ランチ
13:00-16:00 Behavioural science  行動科学

• common behavioural ‘problems’ 一般的な’問題’行動

• current research in ‘quality of life’ in animals (a very hot topic that is expanding rapidly in the veterinary field) 最新のリサーチによる動物の’クオリティオブライフ’?生活内容の質(獣医学分野で急速に広がっているとてもホットなテーマです。)

• common treatments for behavioural problems, environmental enrichment. 問題行動に対する共通の対処方法と豊かな生活の環境作り

If the latter topic is addressed then we can use our own animal house for some handling, manipulation of environments, and the Captive Animal people can show the students some of the work they do with the birds and water features on site. レクチャーの後に大学内の動物舎を使用して、ハンドリング、生活環境の操作を学び、動物飼育担当者が校内での鳥類や池周りでの仕事を実地で見せます。

DAY 2:
9:00 -12:00 Visit to Animal Referral Hospital, Strathfield

This is one of the premier specialist hospitals in NSW and has state of the art facilities. It also runs as a dedicated emergency hospital out of hours. Transport by college bus.
12:00 -13:00 LUNCH ランチ
13:00 -16:00 Clinical pathology - Practical  臨床病理学ー実践

Acquisition and processing of blood and faeces. We can try to use native animal faeces, or collect direct from paddock at college. This would be a HANDS ON session.

DAY 3:
9:00 -12:00 Dental practices in Australia オーストラリアの歯科練習

This includes dental practices on cadavers. This would be a HANDS ON session.
ここでは死体を使用して歯科技術の練習をします。このセッションは実技練習を 含みます。
12:00 -13:00 LUNCH ランチ
13:00 -16:00 Animal physiotherapy in Australia
Possibly some HANDS ON work involved.
オーストラリアの動物物理療法 実技練習が含まれる可能性があります。

DAY 4:
9:00 -12:00 Visit to Sydney University Veterinary Hospital at Camden

This has state of the art large animal facilities. More importantly they have recently opened a native wildlife hospital/rehabilitation facility, which should be of some interest. この病院も最新医療設備を備えています。更に重要なことは最近野生動物の病院とリハビリセンターもオープンしたことで、興味深い内容です。
12:00 -13:00 LUNCH ランチ
13:00 -16:00 Handling skills with native animals and birds

College based, HANDS ON 大学内で行う実技練習です。
Alternative might be to visit the Guide Dogs training facility at Grose Vale.

DAY 5:
9:00 -12:00 Visit to Steve Austin’s facility (or Steve Austin to come to college)

Steve is one of the premier animal trainers in Australia and many of the animals you see in advertisements and movies have been trained by him. He is an engaging speaker and works well with learners of all standards, there would probably be some HANDS ON but this is usually in the form of audience participation rather than formal task orientated learning. Steve has a good relationship with staff members at the college. If he comes to the college we would probably also invite our mainstream students to attend.
13:00 -16:00 Closing session 終了のセッション

• Debriefing 結果報告

• Questions 質問

• Resource sharing 情報共有

• Farewell and Certificate award session お別れと修了証授与

Please note:

1. That minor amendments may be required to the proposed program at the time of delivery in November. This may be due to circumstances beyond the control of TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute.
11月の催行時に若干の内容変更の可能性があります。これはTAFE NSW?Western Sydney Instituteがコントロール不能な状況が起きた場合に限ります。

2. At this stage, the dates are not known and hence we are not able to confirm the visiting speakers’ availability in the exact dates of visit. However, every attempt will be made to keep to the program outline proposed.